Source code for omfvista.surface

"""Methods to convert surface objects to VTK data objects"""

__all__ = [

__displayname__ = "Surface"

import numpy as np
import omf
import pyvista

from omfvista.utilities import add_data, add_texture_coordinates, check_orthogonal

[docs] def surface_geom_to_vtk(surfgeom, origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): """Convert the triangulated surface to a :class:`pyvista.PolyData` object Args: surfgeom (:class:`omf.surface.SurfaceGeometry`): the surface geomotry to convert """ pts = np.array(surfgeom.vertices) tris = np.array(surfgeom.triangles.array) faces = np.c_[np.full(len(tris), 3), tris] output = pyvista.PolyData(pts, faces) output.points += np.array(origin) return output
[docs] def surface_grid_geom_to_vtk(surfgridgeom, origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): """Convert the 2D grid to a :class:`pyvista.StructuredGrid` object. Args: surfgridgeom (:class:`omf.surface.SurfaceGridGeometry`): the surface grid geometry to convert """ surfgridgeom._validate_mesh() axis_u = np.array(surfgridgeom.axis_u) axis_v = np.array(surfgridgeom.axis_v) axis_w = np.cross(axis_u, axis_v) if not check_orthogonal(axis_u, axis_v, axis_w): raise ValueError("axis_u, axis_v, and axis_w must be orthogonal") rotation_mtx = np.array([axis_u, axis_v, axis_w]) ox, oy, oz = surfgridgeom.origin # Make coordinates along each axis x = ox + np.cumsum(surfgridgeom.tensor_u) x = np.insert(x, 0, ox) y = oy + np.cumsum(surfgridgeom.tensor_v) y = np.insert(y, 0, oy) z = np.array([oz]) # Build out all nodes in the mesh xx, yy, zz = np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing="ij") ( xx, yy, zz, ) = ( xx.ravel("F"), yy.ravel("F"), zz.ravel("F"), ) zz += surfgridgeom.offset_w points = np.c_[xx, yy, zz] # Rotate the points based on the axis orientations points = # Now build the output output = pyvista.StructuredGrid() output.points = points output.dimensions = len(x), len(y), len(z) output.points += np.array(origin) return output
[docs] def surface_to_vtk(surfel, origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): """Convert the surface to a its appropriate VTK data object type. Args: surfel (:class:`omf.surface.SurfaceElement`): the surface element to convert """ geom = surfel.geometry if isinstance(geom, omf.surface.SurfaceGeometry): builder = surface_geom_to_vtk elif isinstance(geom, omf.surface.SurfaceGridGeometry): builder = surface_grid_geom_to_vtk output = builder(geom, origin=origin) # Now add point data: add_data(output, add_texture_coordinates(output, surfel.textures, return output
surface_to_vtk.__displayname__ = "Surface to VTK" surface_grid_geom_to_vtk.__displayname__ = "Surface Grid Geometry to VTK" surface_geom_to_vtk.__displayname__ = "Surface Geometry to VTK"